Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 9, 2013

Unit 1
Weight: 13.9 kg
Nurses: Anja/Kathy

Day 2 of just the boys and we are getting in the grove. Today is going to be day 2 of the "old" Kallum coming back to us.  You have a new habit of wanting to sleep in, totally not something you would ever do at home.  So at about 9:00 am, when you decide to get up we do our routine of going to the bathroom, being grumpy to the nurses as they give you the morning drug doses, weigh you and complete vitals.  Breakfast comes and your appetite does not seem the same as what it was yesterday. A bit of muffin, a bite of an "eggo" (it was so dried out that it resembled a cracker) and that's about it.  The whole morning is pretty un-eventful, but I talk to one of the doctors and we decide to wean you off the morphine a bit more. Also, the nutritionist agrees with me, that we could stop the feedings and work on your appetite.

Then comes lunch and the inner beast in you comes alive. You eat a turkey sandwich, half a plate of french fries, pretzels, a chocolate chip cookie and a cereal bar.  You don't want to be carried to the bathroom anymore and you walk yourself, you sit up in bed and play cars and even want to go to the playroom.  You laugh all afternoon, other than a small nap, and play with the nurses. By late date you are completely off the morphine and still seem to be doing well with no notable increase in pain, this means one less IV and no more heart monitor to keep us up at night.  In the beginning I could not believe how brave you were to do all the tests and all the pokes, today you impressed me with your attitude, you proved you are a survivor and want to get better.

Can't stop this blog without mentioning tonight's supper.  It was your first time eating fish sticks and I have to say you LOVED them, you actually demanded more.  I asked for more but the kitchen was closed, so you moved on to a mashed potato, then sent me for a turkey sandwich and a rice crispy square from the cafeteria.  I hope this appetite keeps up and we can take your feeding tube out soon too, the less things attached to you means more of a chance for you to be a kid, playing and walking on your own.

I miss you so much buddy, but I know that you are getting stronger everyday and dad is there with you.  I am happy to be home, with the girls but wish you and dad were here too.  The girls are doing well and make cards and posters for you everyday.  They now know what Leukemia is and they know that you are getting special medicine to make your bones feel better.  They cannot wait to see you.  Abbi has a cold right now so we will have to wait until she is well enough, maybe next weekend.  I leave tomorrow to come back to Calgary until Sunday.  It will be hard to leave the girls but exciting to see you and dad.  I hate having my family between two cities.  See you soon.

Love you K'man,

Dad and Mom

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