Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4th, 2013

MHRH / Home
Weight: 15 Kg
Nurses: Shelly / Shiela

 We have had a great couple of weeks.  We did not see your counts drop too low and we have been able to avoid any blood transfusions.  You were able to enjoy Halloween and couldn't get enough of it.  You ask everyday if we can go Trick or Treating again!

On early Sunday morning you developed a cough and had trouble breathing.  We were able to get you breathing better with the humidifier and the next day you seemed back to your old self again.  However, yesterday at around 3, I noticed you were warm and discovered a mild fever.  We continued to monitor it and it did spike, which required a call to Oncology in Calgary and then an admit to Pediatrics in Medicine Hat.  After your CBC, we noticed your WBC had dropped a bit since Thursday and therefore you needed to be put on antibiotics and then blood was taken to test for cultures.  Your fever did break, later Sunday night and this morning you are full of energy.  Your CBC this morning shows all your counts going up, which is a great sign.  They are allowing a day pass, in between your antibiotics, so you can go home.  This is good news because you eat and rest a lot better at home.  We will have to wait until tomorrow night to get results back on your blood cultures.  I am hoping that the fever was due to your cold, which would be just a normal thing for any healthy 3 year old boy, however with your immune system we needed to be admitted just in case and blood work done up.

We are so close to the end.  Your dad and I were really hoping that we didn't need another hospital stay but hopefully your results will be negative and you can be in your own bed by tomorrow night. 

Love Mom

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