Weight: 14 kg?
Well we are home and loving it! It is so good to have you home. You have been home for a few days now and we have had no issues. This is the first time we have had you home right after you were done your chemo meds. Since you had no side effects with these meds last time we thought we would take you home instead of hanging out at RMH. You will need to have blood work done here, at the Medicine Hat Hospital. Your first CBC is tomorrow morning and then we can determine if and when you will need a transfusion. Last time on this cycle your required 3 transfusions so I am thinking you will need to have at least one done this time. We also have to be watch your counts to see when your WBC rebounds. We have to be very careful and keep you in somewhat of a bubble until we see your counts rise again. Every morning we need to give you a shot of GCSF to help increase your counts. You are still pretty anxious and get upset knowing a "poke" is coming. I don't know when it will get any easier but it is worth it because you are able to be home. Well this is just a quick update to say all is good and we have made it home.
Love you more than you know,
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