Friday, May 24, 2013

May 23rd, 2013

Unit 1
Weight: 13.35
Nurses: Christina/Anja
WBC: 0.4

We are very happy to see your WBC climbing. You still have no neutrophils so you need to stay on antibiotics until we see a rise in them.  The good news is, APS was in to see you and they agree with dad and I and feel like you can go to oral morphine. The doctors also decided you are eating well enough that you do not require the TPN anymore. So, this all means that you do not need to be hooked up to the I'VE pole! We only need to hook you up for your antibiotics, which are every 8 hours.

This morning, in rounds, this is where all the professionals sit around the table and discuss your case, they decided you could have a day pass. Your dad and I are so excited. They also mentioned that if your neutrophils increase tomorrow there would a chance that you will be able to go home. I am praying that they rise. I am so excited to get you back home as it has been 2 months since you have been there. This also means dad would be home for the girls' dance recital.  I can't totally get my hopes up because your counts have gone down before and I don't want to be too disappointed.

We spend the afternoon at RMH as we need to be back to Unit 1 by 4:00 pm to get your next dose of antibiotic. You are still hesitant when we leave the hospital and at times even ask to go back. Dad and I take the opportunity to pack up our room at RMH in anticipation of your release. You have a short nap but wake up a little crabby.  It felt good to have you out of the hospital and not hooked to the I'VE pole.

When we return to the hospital you are still not happy and you say you don't want to be there. We soon calm you down and you decide to go for a walk. This is very exciting because you normally do not have much of a chance to get out of your room because you need to be on a stat monitor or taking chemo meds or have been on isolation due to a cold. You love walking past the nurses station and flashing them your smile. They all come out to greet you and you give out hugs and high fives. You meet two other boys and talk to them. One boy is 2.5 years old too. You and dad tell him about Chemo Elmo and you bring him back to your room to show him. I love that you are not shy and will talk with other patients. We do many walks to the fishes and to see the nurses. At one point you had a smiling contest with one nurse. I love seeing you so happy and comfortable at the hospital. I know, unfortunately, you still have a lot of time to spend here but the amazing nursing staff makes it a bit easier.

Well this was suppose to be a quick blog so I should sign off. We are praying and crossing our fingers your neutrophils rise tomorrow. Hopefully the next post will be from home.

Love you buddy,


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