Unit 1
Weight: 14.95 kg
Nurse: Ashley/Orli
Today was a busy day in your room. The nurses needed to get you ready for your first chemo treatment, through your IV. Dad took a picture at one time when you had all your machines beside you and at one point you even had 2 IV poles. They have since condensed them.
Two different nurses came in to administer your chemo medication. It takes about 15 mins all together. You just watch as they push through the meds. I should also mention that you are starting to look very puffy all over your body, not just your eyes.
You had a special basket delivered today from Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie Jena, Uncle Chris and Corbin. It has lots of activities in it and even some candy. You aren't interested in reading any of the books or playing the games, but maybe later on.
You required your first red blood transfusion today, as your hemoglobin count dropped. You did very well considering you have to have your BP taken every 15 minutes for the first hour. We figured out a trick. We put the BP cuff on your leg and keep it there. This way the nurse doesn't have to put it on every time and you are not agitated.
They say that you will increase your appetite being on the steroid medicine. We haven't seem much yet. Although you did have a few of my rice cakes and picked a cheese string from the fridge.
Okay, okay now for the good news!! Today, while Dad was out, you smiled! You started by switching the TV channels and you thought this was pretty funny. It warmed my heart to see you smile and eventually start to giggle. You let me tickle you too. This good attitude continued a bit passed supper and you even asked to leave the room. Dad carried you and we saw the rest of the unit and went to visit the fish. You were happy the whole time.
I did eventually leave tonight, but did not want to because you were in such a good mood. You told me not to go, which is a first, and it made me feels so bad but good at the same time. I love you so much buddy and I am beaming today knowing you had a great afternoon. Can't wait to see you in the morning. We also have special visitors coming tomorrow.
I attached some pictures today. There is even one of you and I (can you tell that I didn't take the pic!). The one picture shows all the machines behind you, pumping in all your meds, etc. My favorite is when you are smiling!
Love you more than you know,
Sometimes the things we can't change, end up changing us.
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