3 YEARS!! It is still hard for me to believe that it has been 3 years since the day Leukemia and cancer were introduced to our family and we have been changed ever since. This day is always so hard for me to understand. It is definitely a day to celebrate that you have beat this horrible disease, you are cancer free and living life but the day also makes me reflect on those really dark days, just 3 years ago. Those days changed who I am, what kind of mother I am, how I chose to live life and most importantly that I will never take anything for granted again.
Your life now is more "normal" than it has ever been since being diagnosed. You had your last appointment with your Oncologist, Dr. Anderson, in March and all your tests came back great, which still to this day is a huge relief. Even though this was your last appointment with Dr. Anderson it doesn't mean you no longer go for check ups, it just means that you will be going to the long-term survivor clinic at the Alberta Children's Hospital. I like the saying, "long-term survivor" it is a label that I can agree with and another step in your journey to beating cancer. You will be going to the long-term survivor clinic every 6 months to see a new Oncologist, get blood work and occasional tests. If there was ever any concern with you blood work or tests your new Oncologist would consult with Dr. Anderson. We will be going in September!
These days you are a going concern! You love playing outside in the yard, playing street hockey, bike riding, helping dad and getting into trouble :) The nice spring weather has been helpful to get all your energy out. You are in Kindergarten and Preschool at St. Patrick's school and you are doing very well. Again, you are going to do soccer this spring and you can't wait to get out onto the field. This winter you opted out of hockey and spent most of your time watching your sisters at the rink and hanging out with your friends there. You love to play hockey, on the street or in the garage but the skating thing is still hanging you up from playing on the ice. Who knows what this fall will bring and what you will decide to do. I know that you have mentioned break dancing so perhaps you will continue down that road.
We are seeing a few "problems" creep up or intensify lately and your dad and I have sought out some help for you as well as us. It is believed to be trauma related from your time in hospital and possibly the chemo meds messing with some of your brain development. Whatever the cause we are open with the fact that we needed some help and are seeing great gains. Nighttime is your hardest time of the day and you often end up sleeping with us, which has been a problem since we have been home from the hospital, but lately you have been sleeping with us more and more. You require a lot of light to fall asleep and will often need multiple lights on and you now need either dad or I to be with you as you fall asleep. We will continue to support you and our family as we continue with your journey in any way that we can. We are just truly thankful to all our family and friends who continue to support us through everything.
I know that the blogs have not happened as often as they use to. I hope to update more this year and keep you up to date with your appointments, etc. I am hoping in the next couple of years you will be able to read all the blogs and understand the journey that you have been on.
I love to report that all is well. It is truly a time to celebrate as well as remember where we have come from. Your dad and I couldn't be more proud of you.
Love you to the moon and back,
Some pictures of where we started...