It definitely has been awhile since my last post. We have been busy...enjoying summer!! Between hanging out with friends at the beach or water parks during the week and camping on the weekend, things have been great. I love watching you and your sisters enjoy your time together.
You had your monthly check up on Tuesday, with Dr. Foulston and I am happy and of course relieved to report that your blood work is looking good. Your iron levels are a little low and Dr. Foulston would like for us to address this with Dr. Anderson, next month, when we see him in Calgary. But, with everything that could go wrong, I think we can work with low iron levels. Dr. Foulston also reported that you look healthy and strong. You still have no reflex in your lower legs, but she is optimistic that this will come back. This is just a side effect from the Vincristine.
You did have an appointment with a physical therapist this summer and we worked together to create a program to help strengthen your legs. You often complain about leg pain and have a hard time walking long distances. Your score was a little below normal so it something worth working on. The exercises are fun and you enjoy doing them.
In July, you completed your first, non-parented, swimming lessons. I am so proud to say that you passed with flying colors. I am so grateful that we were able to do one more "normal" thing this summer without having to worry about your health.
Also in July, we had your celebration and thank you party. It was a huge success!! I was overwhelmed with the amount of family and friends who came out to help celebrate with us. It was very hot so your superman costume didn't stay on too long but we had a back up shirt, which you were okay with. Some very special guests came all the way from Winnipeg to help celebrate; our only wish was that they were able to stay and visit longer. They do really know the meaning of a "quick" trip!! Your dad also went through with his head shaving event, supporting Kids Cancer Care. He managed to raise over $3000 for such an amazing cause! I haven't had a chance to sort through all the photos, but I will post a few. I am hoping to make a photo book of the day.

We have spent a lot of time camping around Medicine Hat. We still like to stay close to home, in case you have a fever and need to go to the hospital. You absolutely enjoy camping and love to go on adventures. The last couple of trips have been with friends with older boys and you are their shadow all day long. It is so cute seeing you look up to these boys and try to keep up with them.

We have a few more trips planned for August and September, just trying to take advantage of every nice weekend left. However, we are also preparing for back to school and back to work...yikes!! I am starting a new position with Medicine Hat School District #76. I will be tackling the role of Behaviour Interventionist. This position, even though it is new and a learning curve, it gives me a lot of flexibility in my schedule and the team I am working with is very supportive. I will be working more this year; I work Monday thru Thursday and have Fridays off. However, I can switch my day off, depending on meetings, so this helps with doctor appointments. You will be returning to Montessori and I couldn't be more excited. Both your sisters did the Montessori program and had a great head start going into Kindergarten. You did miss a whole year of the preschool program last year, but I know you will catch up in no time at all. I am excited to get back to a "normal" routine, as well as return to work, but I would be lying saying that I didn't enjoy the time we spent together. I think you and I are going to have some separation issues come the start of September :(
I just want to say that I am so thankful that we are able to spend this summer at home, with everyone healthy. I will never take our health for granted and because of that we will live for every moment, even the small ones. Right now, the Rooney family has been hit with some very hard news. Their son, Dom, recently had cancer cells return and it is AML. Reading this news hit your dad and I hard. This is a reality for us but we have been so fortunate so far that your health is still good. We pray for strength and positive outcomes for this amazing family.
This was a bit of a longer post, just trying to catch you up on your summer. I hope to get back to more frequent updates.
Stampede July 2014
A visit from Big Grandpa and Little Grandma (Great Grandparents)
Baby Bennet, Born July 10th, 2014