This week has been pretty exciting! It all started on Monday when you finally had your "tubes" removed. Your surgery ended up being at 8:30 am, so it was an early start to the day. You were excited to get going and couldn't wait to get them out. Usually when you are sedated, you wake slowly and are quite grumpy. However, this time, your dad and I could hear you coming back to the recovery room telling everyone that your "tubes" were gone. Once you had dad and I in your sight, you quickly lifted up your gown and said, "look, look, my tubes are all gone!" I was so overwhelmed and choked back tears so you didn't think I was upset. I couldn't be more happy for you. The "tubes" were such a physical sign of everything you had to endure and it was a barrier to roughhousing, baths, sledding, swimming pools and other fun activities. You were finally free of these "tubes" that had been holding you back for so long. You downed three apple juices and then many containers of jello so the nurses were okay with letting you go. You walked so proud out of the recovery room, ready to show your family and friends that you were finally free!

After a quick snack, we headed back to Unit 1 (Oncology) to say "hi" to some very special people. You couldn't wait to see what nurses were working and who you would see. From the moment you saw the nurses station you were already back to your old ways. You even asked the nurses if you could help them work. We also had the opportunity to visit a new little friend, Dominic. It was great to see his smile and walking around his room. During your last chemo treatment, we met the Rooney family, they are also from Medicine Hat and Dominic is currently undergoing treatment for AML. Dominic will undergo a bone marrow transplant next month and we will be keeping him and his family in our thoughts and prayers as he goes through this new treatment. He may be little, but he is a huge fighter!!
The best part of the day was coming home and seeing signs and streamers decorating the house. Uncle Dusty, Auntie Tannis, Emersyn, Aspen, Gracie and Abbi had decorated banners with encouraging and celebrating messages. You were so excited and couldn't stop jumping up and down. Your sisters quickly returned home and you whipped up your shirt so fast to show them that your "tubes" were all gone. The were so happy for you! Again we all celebrated with you...I don't think the celebrating will ever get old :)
This week you went to your first birthday party, without your sisters. You were so excited that you were going on your own and that your sisters needed to stay home. I think you even rubbed it in a bit! It is a risk, being around other kids, but knowing the family well and that it would be in a large area we decided it would be worth the risk. There was a bouncy castle and now with your tubes out, you took full advantage.

Tonight was the icing on the cake! You had a bath!!! Your last bath was 10 months ago and you have been saying for months that you couldn't wait for your "tubes" to be out so that you could have a bath again. It is crazy to think that just a plain old bath could be so exciting, but it was yet another sign of normalcy. It warms my heart knowing that you achieved one more goal.
Love you to the moon and back,