Weight: 14 kg
Nurse: Alyssa
WBC: 0.1
So I spoke too soon...
After my last post, on Friday, we ended up in the hospital due to an increased fever. I had suspected that you weren't quite yourself but thought your hemoglobin could be low; however, once we received your blood work results it showed your hemoglobin was at 96, which is still good. I took your temp and it was at 37.7. We continued to monitor your temp throughout the afternoon and it seemed to actually go down for a few hours. Dad and I thought you had beat the fever but we were proven wrong when at around supper time your fever spiked to 38.5. According to your specific instructions from AHC, once you have a fever, at 38.0, for over an hour, you need to go to the hospital and if you spike to 38.3, you need to go to the hospital immediately. Well, dad had supper on the BBQ and we were getting ready for supper, but this sure changed in a hurry. We threw a bag together, phoned Oncology at AHC and they worked with Paediatrics here at the MHRH and we were quickly admitted. This process works well because we don't have to go through emergency, which is not the place you want to be with a low WBC. Once at the hospital, they immediately started antibiotics and took cultures from your Broviac lines. Your fever stayed at 38.2 for a few hours, but did manage to come down on it's own just before bed. We were able to rest easy knowing your body had regulated itself.
Yesterday we spent the day hanging out in your room. You are back to your old self again, which means a lot of energy. We played a lot of cars, play doh, crane watching due to the hospital construction and watching your new favourite show, Caillou I personally cannot stand this Your sisters came to visit and distract you for a bit. This is one positive being in Medicine Hat over Calgary, the increase of visitors. A family friend came to say hi and even Poppa stopped over for a bit. I know others want to come to visit but they have to be completely symptom free and right now there is a lot of "bugs" going around.
Today we received notice that your cultures are negative after 24!! However, we must wait 48 hours to ensure there is nothing growing. This means at least another night in the hospital. Your platelets were low yesterday (24) so I suspect a transfusion tomorrow so I am hoping we are able to head home tomorrow night, fingers crossed!
You show me everyday you are an amazing fighter. You don't let anything get you down. I know we are are on the home stretch and we just need to get through a few more hurdles!
Love you more then you know,